Provided Government advice doesn’t change significantly, and it remains safe to do so, we will be offering our traditional Port Nic hospitality after racing. However, we’re only allowed 100 people in the Wardroom under the red light settings and all must be seated, so we will be providing table service. To help us keep you safe, and to ensure we have a place for you and your crew, we are taking free seating bookings for each night of the regatta: Our new bar menu will be available to purchase each night, with a special option for Saturday.
Author: Pedro Morgan
The Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club remains open for business, and ready to run some awesome sailing events for members. This page will have all the information you need, and will be updated regularly. RPNYC COVID-19 policy You can read the Club’s COVID-19 policy here. Vaccine mandate The vaccine requirement for competitors is a matter for skippers. However, the following people must have a covid vaccine certificate (My Vaccine Pass): All volunteers Any person entering the club house (includes the Wardroom, regatta office, protest room, Club restaurant, and bathrooms). Note that Chaffers Marina also requires all persons entering the marina…
Despite the change in alert levels, we remain open and ready to run some awesome sailing events for members.